World Vision
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Participation of people with disability in the labour force - The future of work

As the world advances towards the ‘Future of Work’, it is important to pay attention to the present realities, challenges and immense scope that exists for people with disabilities. To guarantee that individuals with disabilities enjoy the right to equality, a life with dignity, and respect for their integrity on par with others, the promotion of "decent work for all" aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 8, fostering inclusive and sustainable economic growth. India has also ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act passed by the Indian parliament in 2007, which promotes employment safeguards for people with disabilities. However, the statistics indicate that labour market inclusion of people with disability needs a serious prioritisation as the poverty disability gap and the inequity for the disabled people continues to rise. India has 2.68 crore PwDs, of which 1.5 crore are male and 1.18

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